It’s finally here! Our amazing group of teachers, past and present, have been working consistently at making top-notch materials for their dear students for years. Now it’s time that the rest of the world gets to have access to these amazing worksheets, lesson plans, ebooks, classroom decor and fantastic ideas for their classrooms and homes!

Our vendors are as diverse and unique as our students. Each store has beneficial and laser-focused ideas and skills. If for some reason, you cannot find what you are looking for, send us an email and we will communicate to our team of creative teacher-authors what you need, and soon it will appear on these pages insha Allah.

Just click below each store name and vendor, and you will visit the online store for that teacher. Use the search function to discover the kinds of materials you need. Get shopping in the first digital, Muslim education space!

Flowering Hearts Homeschool

Vendor: Sakina Binterik

What’s in her store: Islamic Studies activities, Islamic Geometric and other Islamic Arts, Arabic language resources from beginning reading and writing to beginning grammar, Canadian geography activities and game-inspired Math resources.

Dr. Saba’s Store

Vendor: Dr. Saba Alvi

What’s in the Store: All things Language Arts, from beginning reading and writing activities, to upper level essay building and proposal and government grant preparation.